Attendance Office
Phone: 818•832•3889
Fax: 818•368•7333
Hours: 7:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Click here to report an absence
The Attendance Office staff will assist with processing absences, and arranging for early dismissal or late arrival due to medical appointments. Please remember to send a note with students if they have been absent or if they are leaving school early. WE DO NOT interrupt classes to summons students. Students are not allowed to leave school for any reason without permission from the Attendance Office.
California State Law requires that a parent or guardian is to notify the Attendance Office if their child is absent from school by calling (818) 832-3889 or by sending a note with their child. Students must take notes to the Attendance Office. An absence note MUST include: date(s) of absence, reason for absence, student name, grade level, birthday, and parent signature. Students returning without a note will be given a “truancy pending” and will have 24 hours to clear their absence. If the absence remains uncleared, the student will be marked truant and disciplinary action will be taken. The following are recognized by the State of California as excused absences: illness, medical or dental appointments or death in the immediate family.
Please be prepared to show picture identification when picking students up early, dropping off an item, or when obtaining any information regarding students. We do not have the capacity to deliver items or messages to students or classrooms.
School attendance is vital to a student’s achievement. Students who develop patterns of good attendance are much more likely to be successful both academically and socially. In addition, good attendance is a part of the participation requirements for the culmination ceremony.
All students between the ages of 6 and 18 must, unless legally exempt, attend school daily (E.C. § 48200). Excessive absences may result in legal proceedings. Students must be in school every day unless they are ill or have a medical or dental appointment. Repeated unexcused absences or tardies will result in disciplinary action and referral to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB). Please be sure to make every effort to make all medical or dental appointments after school hours. Students need to be on time to every class beginning with homeroom.
PLEASE DO NOT SCHEDULE APPOINTMENTS DURING SCHOOL INSTRUCTIONAL TIME. Written requests for medical and dental appointments should be presented to the Attendance office before school on the day of the appointment. We DO NOT interrupt classes to summons a student. Students pick up the “Permit to Leave” slip from the Attendance office and bring it back to the Attendance Office upon returning. If a student has a morning appointment, he/she should come to school in the afternoon. If the appointment is in the afternoon, the student should come to school in the morning. Do not stay out of school all day for a medical appointment.
A student is tardy if he/she is not in his/her assigned seat when the tardy bell rings. Students who are tardy to class 3 or more times may receive an unsatisfactory grade in work habits or cooperation on their report card. Progressive discipline will be implemented if the problem persists.
Students who are late to school during homeroom should report immediately to their homeroom, otherwise to the Attendance Office for record clearance. Every time students are tardy to class, it not only jeopardizes their academic success and report card marks, it also is very disruptive to classroom instruction. Connect-Ed phone calls will notify you of any absence or tardy. Students are expected to be SEATED and ready to work in the classroom or PRESENT in the PE locker room when the bell rings.
We DO NOT deliver PE clothes, homework, projects, etc. We may only summons a student for lunch money during the last ten (10) minutes of the period.