About PHMS » Councils and Committees

Councils and Committees

School Site Council

Patrick Henry’s School Site Council Is the decision-making council for all programs funded through the Consolidated Application (ConAp), which the California Department of Education uses to distribute categorical funds from various state and federal programs.  The SSC is responsible for the development and evaluation of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and alignment of budgets, in consultation with the English Learner Advisory Committee and all stakeholders, to support and increase student achievement.  The SSC is also responsible for meeting all school level federal parental involvement mandates including the development of the Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy and the School Family Compact for Achievement.

Summary of The Greene Act

Patrick Henry’s SSC meets monthly and is composed of the principal, teachers, other staff and parents. If you are interested in being a part of this council, please contact Mrs. Kristi Santi at [email protected].

SSC Meeting Dates and Information
Monthly meetings are in-person





4:00 pm

Parent Orientation


4:15 pm

Parent Election - Agenda and Minutes

September 17, 2024

4:15 pm

Agenda and Minutes

October 15, 2024

4:15 pm

Agenda and Minutes

November 19, 2024

4:15 pm

Agenda and Minutes

January 21, 2025

4:15 pm

Agenda and Minutes

February 18, 2025

4:15 pm

Agenda and Minutes

March 18, 2025

4:15 pm

Agenda and Minutes

April 22, 2025

4:15 pm

Agenda and Minutes

May 20, 2025

4:15 pm

Agenda and Minutes


Local School Leadership Council

Patrick Henry’s Local School Leadership Council includes the principal, staff, teachers, students and parents who meet monthly to manage matters pertaining to school operation, including staff development, student code of conduct, schedule of school activities and special schedules, guidelines for use of school equipment and recommendations on budgetary matters.

LSLC - The Brown Act: Open Meeting Laws in California

If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please contact Mrs. Kristi Santi at [email protected].

LSLC Meeting Dates and Information




September 17, 2024

3:20 pm

Agenda and Minutes

October 15, 2024

3:20 pm

Agenda and Minutes

November 19, 2024

3:20 pm

Agenda and Minutes

January 21, 2025

3:20 pm

Agenda and Minutes

February 18, 2025

3:20 pm

Agenda and Minutes

March 18, 2025

3:20 pm

Agenda and Minutes

April 22, 2025

3:20 pm

Agenda and Minutes

May 20, 2025

3:20 pm

Agenda and Minutes


English Learner Advisory Committee

Patrick Henry’s English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is comprised of staff and parents who are designated to advise and provide written recommendations to the School Site Council regarding programs and services for English Learner (EL) students and the use of EIA-LEP funding to support their academic needs. The ELAC reviews student and parent involvement data prior to submitting its written recommendations to the SSC. The ELAC also advises on the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement and the budget related to programs/services for ELs and assists in the review of the school’s language census. The committee meets at least six times per school year.

If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please contact Mr. Ryan Mullen at [email protected].

ELAC Meeting Dates and Information
Monthly meetings are in-person and via zoom.





5:00 pm

Parent Orientation -Agenda and Minutes


5:00 pm

Parent Election - Agenda and Minutes

September 17, 2024

5:00 pm

Agenda and Minutes

October  15, 2024

5:00 pm

Agenda and Minutes

November 19, 2024

5:00 pm

Agenda and Minutes

January  21, 2025

5:00 pm

Agenda and Minutes

February  18, 2025

5:00 pm

Agenda and Minutes

March 18, 2025

5:00 pm

Agenda and Minutes


5:00 pm

Agenda and Minutes


Title 1

The purpose of Title 1 is to provide all children with a significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.  As a Title I school, Patrick Henry Middle School delivers supplemental services through a comprehensive, school-wide plan under the School-wide Program (SWP) model.  SWP schools write a comprehensive school plan to upgrade the core academic program, without distinguishing between eligible and ineligible children.  All students at Patrick Henry may benefit from the additional services based upon the identified needs described in the plan. 

Title 1 Meeting Date and Information
Annual meeting is  in-person and via zoom.




September 26, 2024

6:00 pm

Agenda and Minutes